Flood Your Zone: Marketing and Publishing Solopreneur Support

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DIY marketing and branding Tips

Solopreneurs and small businesses… you are great at what you do! Whether selling your handmade items, offering local plumbing services, running a small real estate or title agency, or maybe you have an e-commerce site focused online… you know your business.

But not all solopreneurs and small businesses are ALSO good at branding and marketing their business. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of Big Tech, Big Box and Big E-Commerce competition.

BELIEVE THIS: your target market WANTS to find you! They WANT to support you! They WANT to follow you, buy from you, refer to you! But they need to FIND YOU! And they need to be REMINDED of you! 

So here’s some direct, easy ways to elevate your branding and become more consistent and successful with your marketing.

Your Target Market WANTS to support you!
But they need to find you, and trust you.

Keep working on developing your branding and marketing.
This part of your business should NEVER stop!